DDBST provides a broad range of support offers. Besides regular updates and fixes for the software and data banks, online training resource (videos, tutorials and presentation slides) lists of publications relevant to the DDB and the software package can be found on the pages in the menu on the left hand side.
Our product development has always been strongly customer driven and we would like to encourage you to to provide us with any feedback that helps us to improve our performance.
DDBST is in close cooperation with numerous research groups and new methods are frequently developed using the DDB and the software package. This allows us to communicate specific interests and real world problems from our customers back to academia.
New or improved thermodynamic models for physical property regression and estimation are often available via DDBST long before publication. We therefor also provide presentation slides, conference papers and intermediate or final reports and thesis from cooperating groups for download.
A significant part of valuable scientific research is only seldom or never applied in praxis. This is due to the fact that convenient software implementations with links to a large store of pure component and mixture data are often not available. We hope to provide a bridge between science and application and greatly value any proposals for future improvement of this role.