POW - Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients

The POWDDB data bank stores octanol-water partition coefficients (POW). Based on these data, a special POW-UNIFAC (Wienke, 1993)  has been developed.

As an example, the experimental octanol-water distribution coefficients for hexachlorobenzene as function of temperature are shown on the right hand side. At 25°C the data cover a range of nearly 3.5 orders of magnitude.

Numerous publications reporting this value come from sources with limited experience in the field of experimental determination of thermophysical properties and were published in journals focusing on environmental science. It is therefore of great importance to have a large database available and not rely on limited information from only a single reference.

The DDB online search can show a list of components for which octanol-water partition coefficients are available.

Selected Scientific Papers

1998    Prediction of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients, Henry Coefficients and Water Solubilities Using Unifac    Wienke G., Gmehling J. Journal Toxicol.Environ.Chem., 65, 1, 57 86 (1998)
1993    Vorausberechnung von Octanol/Wasser-Verteilungskoeffizienten mit Hilfe der UNIFAC-Methode    Dallos A., Wienke G., Ilchmann A., Gmehling J. Journal Chem.Ing.Tech., 65, 2, 201 203 (1993)

Selected Scientific Papers (Experimental Data)

1998 Enantiomerentrennung mit der Flüssig/Flüssig-Gegenstromchromatographie Buchholz K., Schulte B., Gmehling J., Martens J Journal Chem.Ing.Tech., 70, 7, 850 856 (1998)
1993 Bestimmung von Verteilungskoeffizienten mit Hilfe der Flüssig/Flüssig-Gegenstrom-Chromatographie Ilchmann A., Wienke G., Meyer T., Gmehling J. Journal Chem.Ing.Tech., 65, 1, 72 75 (1993)
1991 Die Flüssig-Flüssig-Gegenstromchromatographie - Eine zuverlässige Methode zur Bestimmung von Verteilungskoeffizienten Ilchmann A., Wienke G., Meyer T., Gmehling J. internal report Unpublished Data, 180, 2, 1 11 (1991)