Information about the Online DDB Search

The online DDB search now allows everybody world-wide to search the content of the Dortmund Data Bank online for suitable information. This DDB online search does not reveal any data but allows to send a mail to DDBST for requesting further information.


Start Online DDB Search


Supported Data Banks

The online DDB search covers the complete list of data banks of the Dortmund Data Bank. Included are the data banks for

Terms and Conditions of Use


The content information is freely available and no copyright is reserved for the search results.

Privacy Statement

DDBST may collect some basic information about performed searches. This can include, besides the search requests, all the information transferred from the client computer to the DDBST server including e. g. the IP number of the client computer, the used operating system and browser. DDBST will use this information only internally and never publish any of this collected data or pass them on to any third party.